Vital records and vital events are defined as birth, death, fetal deaths (stillbirth), induced termination of pregnancy, marriage and divorce certificates and reports. Georgia Code Chapter 31-10, and Georgia Department of Public Health Regulation 511-1-3 specify the scope and authority of the Georgia vital records program.
Vital Records office - Cobb and Douglas Public Health
1650 County Services Parkway
Marietta, Georgia 30008
(770) 514-2337 (Vital Records Office)
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Please note: On the 3rd Wednesday of every month, we open at 9:00 a.m.
A birth certificate is an official recording of a birth that occurred in the state of Georgia. A birth record may be used for a number of reasons including to establish one’s identity, enroll in school, and apply for a driver’s license. At the State Office, birth records are available from January 1919 to the present. Some counties may have older birth records in their files. Those county Vital Records offices may be contacted directly.
A death certificate is an official recording of the cause, date, and place of a person’s death that is signed by a physician. A death record may be used for a number of reasons including to settle estates, claim life insurance benefits, and claim pensions. At the State Office, death records are available from January 1919 to the present for deaths that occurred in the State of Georgia.
State Court
Hears traffic violations, misdemeanor cases, and civil lawsuits
State Court Administration
(770) 528-2622
Provides administrative support for judges, manages probation cases, oversees petit jury service
State Court Clerk
(770) 528-2660
Maintains all State Court records and collects all fines and fees associated with such
Superior Court
Hears felony, divorce, and title to land cases
Superior Court Administration
(770) 528-1800
Provides administrative support for judges, oversees jury service
Superior Court Clerk
(770) 528-1300
Maintains all Superior Court records, including divorce decrees and real estate records
Probate Court
(770) 528-1900
Oversees guardianship appointments, management of decedent estates, probate of wills; issues marriage and weapons carry license
Juvenile Court
(770) 528-2220
Hears cases involving children under the age of 18
Magistrate Court
(770) 528-8900
Issues arrest warrants, hears small claims cases, conducts weddings, offers volunteer mediation
District Attorney
(770) 528-3080
Felony prosecution and appeals, alternative case resolution, victim witness unit and child support enforcement
Solicitor General
(770) 528-8500
Investigates crimes, interviews victims and witnesses, prosecutes misdemeanors