BCS FCBA - BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis (BH0-013) Exam

Given the cashflows below, which of the following is correct?

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Answer : B

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Question 2 ( Topic 1, Volume A )

The required competencies of a business analyst are classified into three categories. Which of the following is one of these three categories?

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Answer : B

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Question 3 ( Topic 1, Volume A )

When should benefits realisation be carried out?

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Answer : D

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Question 4 ( Topic 1, Volume A )

Which of the following statement is TRUE about the process view of an organisation?

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Answer : A

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Question 5 ( Topic 1, Volume A )

As part of an investigation a Business Analyst has devised a form for users of an existing system to use to keep track of the tasks they undertake during their working day. Which of the following describes this investigation technique?

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Answer : A

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